Screenshot of Quartzite AI

Get high-quality outputs from Language Models, faster.

Quartzite is an advanced prompt editor to get the most out of Language Models. Write complex prompts with ease, iterate, and compare quality of outputs.

The best AI Models in one app

Available models
logo of GPT-4 / 3.5

GPT-4 / 3.5

logo of Dall-E 3

Dall-E 3

logo of Gemini PRO

Gemini PRO

logo of Claude 3.5

Claude 3.5

logo of Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI

logo of Command R+

Command R+

logo of Mistral


logo of OpenRouter


Advanced prompt editor

Easily craft complex prompts using Quartzite’s intuitive Markdown editor. Save drafts and submit prompts with ease.

Advanced prompt editor

Version history

Improve your prompts by experimenting with various iterations and model configurations, tracked seamlessly with version history.

Version history

No subscriptions

Save money with Quartzite’s pay-per-usage GPT pricing. Monitor expenses directly within the app.

No subscriptions

Build your Template repository

Say goodbye to repetitive prompts. Build and manage your template library or use our default one.

Build your Template repository

...and more

Image for Prompt Optimizer

Prompt Optimizer

Automatically apply the best Prompt Engineering practices to your prompts with AI. Try our free version.

Image for Variables & data

Variables & data

Quickly fill templates with variables or import CSV data for rapid creation of multiple versions.

Image for Data export

Data export

Download your prompts and outputs in various file formats for further use.

Still paying for ChatGPT Plus?

ChatGPT Plus

Pay-per-usage API

via Quartzite AI

GPT-4 availability
🚦Capped use
🚀 No restrictions
Data used for training
🔐 Configurable, but affects feature availability
🔒 No (data is always private)
Data ownership
🏢 Stored on server
💻 Private (stored on your computer)
Model Settings
❌ Not available
✅ Available and configurable
$20 / Month (plus Taxes)
No fixed cost, depending on usage Estimate your costs with our calculator


Individual use

Get the most out of Language Models with a simple and convenient plan.

$3.99/ month
  • Access all flagship models in one app
  • Advanced prompt editor
  • Prompt optimizer and other powerful tools
  • Cloud Sync across devices
  • Community support on Discord
Start now

For teams

Create and share powerful AI agents and tools with your team.

$59.99/ month
  • Everything included in other plans, plus:
  • 10 seats/users included
  • Share Agents and AI Tools with your team
  • Priority customer support
  • Integration with internal tools
  • Configurable prompt library
Join waitlistBook a free demo

What our users say about Quartzite

"Using the API-powered Quartzite, my API usage is much lower than the monthly cost of the flagship AI products. Quartzite basically paid for itself already in the first month. The extra prompting tools that Quartzite provides on top of this huge benefit is the icing on the cake."

Phil V.

Full-Stack Developer


Can I use all the models for free?

Quartzite allows you to access all the listed models via a unified interface. However, we don't cover the cost of model usage. This means, that you will be paying a little bit to use the various models. However, do not worry - accessing models this way is way cheaper than a subscription to ChatGPT Plus (or similar). That is why a lot of users choose Quartzite over ChatGPT Plus or Claude subscriptions (on average, we spend less than $2-3/month on model usage). On the plus side, you don't have to choose one subscription or another, but you have access to all the models.

Do I need my own API key?

Yes, at the moment Quartzite works by bringing your own API key (see next FAQ for more information). In the future, we would like to offer the possibility of buying credits directly via Quartzite, but that's not available yet. If you are interested in such a feature, please let us know, so that we can contact you once we release it. In the meantime, we provide free support in order to set up your Quartzite account - just contact us if you need assistance.

What's an "API key"?

An API key is a code (similar to a password) that allows you to interact with some AI models. For example, with the OpenAI API key, you can interact with GPT-4 in other apps, such as Quartzite. With an API key, you pay only for your usage of the AI, rather than paying for a subscription. Doing this usually results in lower costs compared to paying for tools such as ChatGPT Plus (we personally spend less than $2-3/month for our usage). If all of this is new to you, don't worry - we have some guides on how to get the API key, and we'll be happy to support you if you need assistance.

How is my data handled?

Quartzite AI takes privacy and security seriously. The API keys added via Quartzite are encrypted by default, and your data is safely stored. If you prefer, you can even disable cloud-sync for maximum privacy, to have your data stored solely in your browser.

How is this different from ChatGPT and OpenAI playground?

First of all, Quartzite AI gives you access to many more AI models (e.g. Claude 3 Opus, Gemini Pro, Perplexity). Additionally, Quartzite AI offers a range of features not available in ChatGPT, including templates, version comparison, markdown editor, variables, and more. We believe these significantly enhance productivity and improve the experience of working with Language Models.